Testing Substance Painter

Hi there, usually for modeling and painting 3d asset I’m gonna use Auotdesk Mudbox or 3dCoat , but for my curiosity after different comments from my colleagues I dedice to try Substance Painter … and wow!  The result are really promising! Substance Painter is a GPU based  software for painting Read more…

celebrating video 1k followers on Instagram – inflating fx with Maya


Hi there,

today I want to share just some tips about creating inflating simulation using Ncloth in Maya.

In the video shown before I created a 3d Text Type , and after adding some tessellation for have more deformations I just select the model and I added NCloth to the object… for have the inflating fx I just animate the pressure parameter with negative value , otherwise it looks like a baloon that must to explode …. 😀


Computer Graphics – men that changes the technology

Pierre Bézier and his curves

The mathematical basis for Bézier curves—the Bernstein polynomial—had been known since 1912, but the polynomials were not applied to graphics until some 50 years later, when they were widely publicised by the French engineer Pierre Bézier, who used them to design automobile bodies at Renault. The study of these curves was however first developed in 1959 by mathematician Paul de Casteljau using de Casteljau’s algorithm, a numerically stable method to evaluate Bézier curves at Citroën, another French automaker.


Adriano Sanna - 2023 All rights reserved.