3d Scan test using 3dSystem Sense
This is a test that I did in classroom to show how Sense 3d scanner works, and I’m suprised to see how it work with low lighting enviorement… The result was pretty nice! 🙂
News about VFX, CG & animations from all around the world.
This is a test that I did in classroom to show how Sense 3d scanner works, and I’m suprised to see how it work with low lighting enviorement… The result was pretty nice! 🙂
Pierre BĂ©zier and his curves
The mathematical basis for BĂ©zier curves—the Bernstein polynomial—had been known since 1912, but the polynomials were not applied to graphics until some 50 years later, when they were widely publicised by the French engineer Pierre BĂ©zier, who used them to design automobile bodies at Renault. The study of these curves was however first developed in 1959 by mathematician Paul de Casteljau using de Casteljau’s algorithm, a numerically stable method to evaluate BĂ©zier curves at CitroĂ«n, another French automaker.
This is just a test using OpenCv library by creating a custom library to expose C++ method to C# and using on Unity 3d. In this example I using a Face Detection techniques to retrive face postion and pass it to Unity GameObject. Next step will be detect head pose Read more…
That’s a test that I did using Unity3d particles system to create a “magic ball” with mouse tracking , “portal aurea” and other vfx . If you are proficent with other particles system like After Effects or other 3d software package you’ll see that is simple to create nice vfx Read more…
Hi there, I want to share some update about that book rigged for Maya , now include animated file and Arnold render configuration for Maya 2017. here the rig overview and animation sample:
Hi there , I want to share this modeling test that I did using in combo Maya / Mudbox . Hope that you like it!
As 3d Artist mainly focused on animation processes , when I start to work with Unity 3d and realtime engine , the first thing that I ask my self was : how I can import my 3d animated assets and rigs?!
First of all we must to analize a generic games animation workflow.
Hi there, Â today I want to share some of the steps to do a CGI dna strand .
First of all searching for references is the first step to start with any 3d model creation , much more references you found and much clear you know what to do .
I did this 3d model using Mudbox and Maya . With Maya I did a lowpoly geometry and UV mapping , then I sent to Mudbox and I sculpt details and I paint to texture all the bones and skull . The total ammount of polygons of  this hi-res Read more…
This 3d model are great for xmas implementation on your low-poly project, your games or your app. Available formats : Unity3d package / Maya / 3dsMax / Obj / Fbx CHECK IT OUT!
Adriano Sanna - 2023 All rights reserved.